在JavaScript中复制数组的最快方法-切片与“ for”循环





var dup_array = original_array.slice();


for(var i = 0, len = original_array.length; i < len; ++i)
   dup_array[i] = original_array[i];



第816篇《在JavaScript中复制数组的最快方法-切片与“ for”循环》来自Winter(https://github.com/aiyld/aiyld.github.io)的站点

L泡芙Jim 2020.03.11

Fast ways to duplicate an array in JavaScript in Order:

#1: array1copy = [...array1];

#2: array1copy = array1.slice(0);

#3: array1copy = array1.slice();

If your array objects contain some JSON-non-serializable content (functions, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, etc.) better to use

array1copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(array1))

前端古一 2020.03.11

A simple solution:

original = [1,2,3]
cloned = original.map(x=>x)
樱神奇 2020.03.11

Benchmark time!

function log(data) {
  document.getElementById("log").textContent += data + "\n";

benchmark = (() => {
  time_function = function(ms, f, num) {
    var z = 0;
    var t = new Date().getTime();
    for (z = 0;
      ((new Date().getTime() - t) < ms); z++)
    return (z)

  function clone1(arr) {
    return arr.slice(0);

  function clone2(arr) {
    return [...arr]

  function clone3(arr) {
    return [].concat(arr);

  Array.prototype.clone = function() {
    return this.map(e => Array.isArray(e) ? e.clone() : e);

  function clone4(arr) {
    return arr.clone();

  function benchmark() {
    function compare(a, b) {
      if (a[1] > b[1]) {
        return -1;
      if (a[1] < b[1]) {
        return 1;
      return 0;

    funcs = [clone1, clone2, clone3, clone4];
    results = [];
    funcs.forEach((ff) => {
      console.log("Benchmarking: " + ff.name);
      var s = time_function(2500, ff, Array(1024));
      results.push([ff, s]);
      console.log("Score: " + s);

    return results.sort(compare);
  return benchmark;
log("Starting benchmark...\n");
res = benchmark();

console.log("Winner: " + res[0][0].name + " !!!");
count = 1;
res.forEach((r) => {
  log((count++) + ". " + r[0].name + " score: " + Math.floor(10000 * r[1] / res[0][1]) / 100 + ((count == 2) ? "% *winner*" : "% speed of winner.") + " (" + Math.round(r[1] * 100) / 100 + ")");
log("\nWinner code:\n");
<textarea rows="50" cols="80" style="font-size: 16; resize:none; border: none;" id="log"></textarea>

The benchmark will run for 10s since you click the button.

My results:

Chrome (V8 engine):

1. clone1 score: 100% *winner* (4110764)
2. clone3 score: 74.32% speed of winner. (3055225)
3. clone2 score: 30.75% speed of winner. (1264182)
4. clone4 score: 21.96% speed of winner. (902929)

Firefox (SpiderMonkey Engine):

1. clone1 score: 100% *winner* (8448353)
2. clone3 score: 16.44% speed of winner. (1389241)
3. clone4 score: 5.69% speed of winner. (481162)
4. clone2 score: 2.27% speed of winner. (192433)

Winner code:

function clone1(arr) {
    return arr.slice(0);

Winner engine:

SpiderMonkey (Mozilla/Firefox)

宝儿Near 2020.03.11

As @Dan said "This answer becomes outdated fast. Use benchmarks to check the actual situation", there is one specific answer from jsperf that has not had an answer for itself: while:

var i = a.length;
while(i--) { b[i] = a[i]; }

had 960,589 ops/sec with the runnerup a.concat() at 578,129 ops/sec, which is 60%.

This is the lastest Firefox (40) 64 bit.

@aleclarson created a new, more reliable benchmark.

HarryGil 2020.03.11

ECMAScript 2015 way with the Spread operator:

Basic examples:

var copyOfOldArray = [...oldArray]
var twoArraysBecomeOne = [...firstArray, ..seccondArray]

Try in the browser console:

var oldArray = [1, 2, 3]
var copyOfOldArray = [...oldArray]

var firstArray = [5, 6, 7]
var seccondArray = ["a", "b", "c"]
var twoArraysBecomOne = [...firstArray, ...seccondArray]


木嘢 2020.03.11

There is a much cleaner solution:

var srcArray = [1, 2, 3];
var clonedArray = srcArray.length === 1 ? [srcArray[0]] : Array.apply(this, srcArray);

The length check is required, because the Array constructor behaves differently when it is called with exactly one argument.

十三小哥 2020.03.11

It depends on the browser. If you look in the blog post Array.prototype.slice vs manual array creation, there is a rough guide to performance of each:

Enter image description here


Enter image description here

猿Pro 2020.03.11

从技术上讲slice 最快的方法。但是,如果添加0begin索引,它甚至更快





null 2020.03.11
var cloned_array = [].concat(target_array);
西门 2020.03.11


var dup_array = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original_array))
前端LEYLEY 2020.03.11

a.map(e => e)是这项工作的另一种选择。截至目前.map().slice(0)在Firefox中速度非常快(几乎与一样快),但在Chrome中却没有。

On the other hand, if an array is multi-dimensional, since arrays are objects and objects are reference types, none of the slice or concat methods will be a cure... So one proper way of cloning an array is an invention of Array.prototype.clone() as follows.

Array.prototype.clone = function(){
  return this.map(e => Array.isArray(e) ? e.clone() : e);

var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, [ 1, 2, [ 1, 2, 3 ], 4 , 5], 6 ],
    brr = arr.clone();
brr[4][2][1] = "two";

ㄏ囧囧ㄟ 2020.03.11

我整理了一个快速演示:http : //jsbin.com/agugo3/edit

我在Internet Explorer 8上的结果是156、782和750,这表明slice在这种情况下速度更快。

飞云斯丁GO 2020.03.11


arr2 = [...arr1];


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