

目前,我可以textarea通过单击的右下角textarea并拖动鼠标来调整a 大小如何禁用此功能?


A梅2020/03/13 15:50:18

Adding !important makes it work:

width:325px !important; height:120px !important; outline:none !important;

outline is just to avoid the blue outline on certain browsers.

西里A2020/03/13 15:50:18

With @style, you can give it a custom size and disable the resize feature (resize: none;).

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.YourProperty, new { @style = "width: 90%; height: 180px; resize: none;" })
小小Stafan宝儿2020/03/13 15:50:18

To disable the resize property, use the following CSS property:

resize: none;
  • You can either apply this as an inline style property like so:

    <textarea style="resize: none;"></textarea>
  • or in between <style>...</style> element tags like so:

    textarea {
        resize: none;
GO小胖2020/03/13 15:50:18

You simply use: resize: none; in your CSS.

The resize property specifies whether or not an element is resizable by the user.

Note: The resize property applies to elements whose computed overflow value is something other than "visible".

Also resize not supported in Internet Explorer at the moment.

Here are different properties for resize:

No Resize:

textarea {
  resize: none;

Resize both ways (vertically & horizontally):

textarea {
  resize: both;

Resize vertically:

textarea {
  resize: vertical;

Resize horizontally:

textarea {
  resize: horizontal;

Also if you have width and height in your CSS or HTML, it will prevent your textarea be resized, with a broader browsers support.

A达蒙2020/03/13 15:50:18

You can simply disable the textarea property like this:

textarea {
    resize: none;

To disable vertical or horizontal resizing, use

resize: vertical;


resize: horizontal;
逆天蛋蛋达蒙2020/03/13 15:50:18


textarea {
    max-width: /* desired fixed width */ px;
    min-width: /* desired fixed width */ px;
    min-height: /* desired fixed height */ px;
    max-height: /* desired fixed height */ px;
神奇老丝2020/03/13 15:50:18

CSS 3为UI元素提供了一个新属性,使您可以执行此操作。该属性是resize属性因此,您可以将以下内容添加到样式表中,以禁用所有textarea元素的大小调整:

textarea { resize: none; }

这是一个CSS 3属性。使用兼容性图表查看浏览器的兼容性。

我个人认为禁用textarea元素的大小调整会很烦人。这是设计人员试图“破坏”用户客户端的情况之一。如果您的设计不能容纳较大的文本区域,则可能需要重新考虑设计的工作方式。任何用户都可以添加textarea { resize: both !important; }到其用户样式表中以覆盖您的首选项。

小小Jim2020/03/13 15:50:18
<textarea style="resize:none" rows="10" placeholder="Enter Text" ></textarea>
村村乐2020/03/13 15:50:18


textarea {
    resize: none;
JinJin小卤蛋JinJin2020/03/13 15:50:18


<textarea name="textinput" draggable="false"></textarea>

This works for me. The default value is true for the draggable attribute.

番长猿阳光2020/03/13 15:50:18



textarea{resize: none}

这是尚未发布的CSS 3,Firefox 4(及更高版本),Chrome和Safari兼容

另一种格式功能是overflow: auto考虑到dir属性,以摆脱右侧的滚动条



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <textarea style="overflow:auto;resize:none" rows="13" cols="20"></textarea>


  • Internet Explorer 8


  • Firefox 17.0.1

