
I’ve got a website that’s using a few different ‘main’ colors. The general HTML layout stays the same, only the colors change depending on the content.

I was wondering if I could set a color variable depending on the CSS selector. This way I can theme my website with a few variables and let Sass fill in the colors.

For example:

$color-1: #444;
$color-2: #555;
$color-3: #666;
$color-4: #777;

body.class-1 {
  color-default: $color-1;
  color-main: $color-2;
body.class-2 {
  color-default: $color-3;
  color-main: $color-4;

/* content CSS */
.content {
  background: $color-default;
  color: $color-main;

I was thinking of using a mixin for this, but I was wondering if there’s a better way to do this—with a function maybe? I’m not that great with Sass, so any help would be appreciated.

番长猴子2020/03/23 09:31:06


$pallettes: (
  light-theme: (
    container-color: red,
    inner-color: blue,
  dark-theme: (
    container-color: black,
    inner-color: gray,

@each $pallette, $content in $pallettes {
  .main.#{$pallette} {
    background-color: map-get($content, container-color);
    .inner-div {
      background-color: map-get($content, inner-color);
小卤蛋2020/03/23 09:31:06


$colors: #444, #555, #666, #777;

@mixin content($color-default-num, $color-main-num) {
  background: nth($colors, $color-default-num);
  color: nth($colors, $color-main-num);

body.class-1 {
  @include content(1, 2);
樱小胖Mandy2020/03/23 09:31:06


@mixin color {
  body.blue & {
    background: blue;
  body.yellow & {
    background: yellow;
猪猪2020/03/23 09:31:06


$color1: red;
$color2: yellow;

header { background: $color1; }

.override-class {
  $color1: green;
  header { background: $color1; }


西里Near2020/03/23 09:31:06

如果您真的想变色,还可以在单​​个变量(如中$scheme1: class1 #333 #444)中定义不同的配色方案,其中第一个值始终是名称,然后是该方案中的所有颜色。


// Define your schemes with a name and colors
$scheme1: class1 #444 #555;
$scheme2: class2 #666 #777;
$scheme3: class4 #888 #999;

// Here are your color schemes
$schemes: $scheme1 $scheme2 $scheme3;

@each $scheme in $schemes {
  // Here are the rules specific to the colors in the theme
  body.#{nth($scheme, 1)} .content {
    background-color: nth($scheme, 2);
    color: nth($scheme, 3);


body.class1 .content {
  background-color: #444444;
  color: #555555; }

body.class2 .content {
  background-color: #666666;
  color: #777777; }

body.class4 .content {
  background-color: #888888;
  color: #999999; }

显然,如果你不想合并body.class1,并.content在你的选择,你可以只指定一个混合content($main, $default)并调用它里面的@each使用nth就像在上面的代码,但问题是你不具备写出来的每一条规则您的课程。


Stafan2020/03/23 09:31:06

I think a mixin is the answer. (As I wrote, variables won’t work.)

@mixin content($color-default, $color-main) {
  background: $color-default;
  color: $color-main;

body.class-1 {
  @include content(#444, #555);

body.class-2 {
  @include content(#666, #777);

该SCSS 编译为以下CSS:

body.class-1 {
  background: #444444;
  color: #555555; }

body.class-2 {
  background: #666666;
  color: #777777; }


$color-1: #444;
$color-2: #555;
$color-3: #666;
$color-4: #777;

body.class-1 {
  @include content($color-1, $color-2);

body.class-2 {
  @include content($color-3, $color-4);