Nuxt Vuex商店Cookie发行





但是,当我在mode: universal而不是中运行应用程序时,我遇到了一个非常奇怪的行为mode: spamode: spa从那时起,我就不想再切换到SSR了。

我在商店中有一个帐户模块- account.js负责处理与帐户管理相关的任何操作,例如登录/注销,获取经过身份验证的用户的个人资料,存储从登录请求中获得的令牌以及处理逻辑2FA TOTP程序。


import Cookies from 'js-cookie';

export const state = {
   user: null,
   token: Cookies.get('token')


[types.ACCOUNT_SAVE_TOKEN] (state, { token, remember }) {
    state.token = token;
    Cookies.set('token', token, {
      expires: 365,
      httpOnly: true

但是在迁移到Nuxt.js之后,每次登录时,都会填充该状态中的令牌值,但未设置cookie,并且导航到项目内的另一页(它是pwa,因此无需重新加载等) )令牌重置为空。

This issue however is gone if application is switched to the mode: spa from mode: universal and everything is working just fine.

I've read many issues on the github as well as done pretty big portion of crawling throught the websites which are trying to solve the same issue, though none of the suggestions are working for me.

I've even installed the cookie-universal-nuxt package from NPM which claims to be working with the SSR, but yet every time I'm trying to access this.$cookies.get('token') in the state, or anywhere else (mutations for example), I'm just getting error about using the method (get/set/remove) on null.

Does anyone know or have an idea on how to overcome this issue, at least if it is possible without going back to the mode: spa?

在时,PS Running会npm run build|generate产生与普通vue相同的文件(不包含内容,只是结构,直到重新读取目标元素为止)mode: spa