我正在一个刚刚开始的Rails项目中工作。我们希望使用twitter bootstrap作为样式的基础,一开始,我们将直接在HTML代码上直接使用bootstrap的类名,就像bootstrap的文档中所示,但是在阅读了以下文章之后:
除其他外,似乎使用sass @extend是避免使用bootstrap的类名的正确方法,所以不要这样做:
<button type="submit" class="btn">Search</button>
<button type="submit" class="button">Search</button>
.button {
@extend ".btn";
The problem with that approach, besides the bunch of extra selectors that will be added each time we extend a bootstrap class just to use a different name, is that in cases where bootstrap uses selectors like this:
.form-search .input-append .btn, .form-search .form-input-append .btn {
border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0;
the button won't get the right style because sass will not apply that same rule to our custom class name, I mean, sass is not doing this:
.form-search .input-append .btn, .form-search .input-append .button,
.form-search .form-input-append .btn, .form-search .form-input-append .button {
border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0;
So I wonder, is this the right way to avoid embedding bootstrap's class names into HTML, if so, how should I handle this problem (it happens frequently)? if not, what would be a better way to use custom class names but still get the styles from bootstrap.
I really appreciate your thoughts on this. Please keep in mind that I am just learning about overall web design (css, sass, less, html, js, etc.).
我使用您的示例对此进行了测试,并且可以正常工作。Sass用“ .btn”复制所有选择器,在这些新创建的选择器上,用“ .button”替换“ .btn”。
另外,如果Sass为您的喜好产生过多的重复,也不必担心(只要您遵循发布的链接所指出的最佳实践)即可。如果服务器使用gzip或等效文件,则很容易压缩重复代码;客户端应该不会注意到加载速度变慢,尽管“解压缩” CSS可能会花费更长的时间。至于CSS选择器的速度,也不必担心。速度对选择器至关重要的唯一情况是在JavaScript方面,尤其是jQuery。对于您的Sass代码,只需遵循关于可维护性的最佳实践(尤其是在尝试模块化时,即SMACSS),那么一切都会很好。