用jQuery动画addClass / removeClass







    $(this).stop().animate( {backgroundColor:'blue'}, {duration:500});
    $(this).stop().animate( {backgroundColor:'red'}, {duration:500});


  1. 在红色和蓝色之间平滑动画。
  2. 当用户将鼠标快速移入或移出div时,没有动画“超排队”。
  3. 如果用户在动画播放过程中将鼠标移出/移入,则可以正确地缓解当前的“中途”状态和新的“目标”状态。

But since the style changes are defined in animate() I have to change the style values there, and can't just have it point to my stylesheet. This 'fragmenting' of where styles are defined is something that really bothers me.

Example 2

Here is my current best attempt using addClass() and removeClass (note that for the animation to work you need jQuery-ui):

//assume classes 'red' and 'blue' are defined

    $(this).stop(true,false).removeAttr('style').addClass('red', {duration:500});
    $(this).stop(true,false).removeAttr('style').removeClass('red', {duration:500});

This exhibits both property 1. and 2. of my original requirements, however 3 does not work.

I understand the reason for this:

When animating addClass() and removeClass() jQuery adds a temporary style to the element, and then increments the appropriate values until they reach the values of the provided class, and only then does it actually add/remove the class.

Because of this I have to remove the style attribute, otherwise if the animation is stopped halfway the style attribute would remain and would permanently overwrite any class values, since style attributes in a tag have higher importance than class styles.

However when the animation is halfway done it hasn't yet added the new class, and so with this solution the color jumps to the previous color when the user moves their mouse before the animation is completed.

What I want ideally is to be able to do something like this:

    $(this).stop().animate( getClassContent('blue'), {duration:500});
    $(this).stop().animate( getClassContent('red'), {duration:500});

Where getClassContent would just return the contents of the provided class. The key point is that this way I don't have to keep my style definitions all over the place, but can keep them in classes in my stylesheet.

泡芙2020/04/07 11:17:11





尽管OP在使用JqueryUI时没有问题,但这是针对可能遇到类似情况但不能使用JqueryUI /也需要支持IE7和8的其他用户的。

2020/04/07 11:17:10

您可以使用jui ui的switchClass,这里是一个示例:

$( "selector" ).switchClass( "oldClass", "newClass", 1000, "easeInOutQuad" );


凯西里2020/04/07 11:17:10

您只需要jQuery UI效果核心(13KB),即可启用添加的持续时间(就像它指出的Omar Tariq一样)

GilTony2020/04/07 11:17:10


    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    transition: all 0.5s ease;