Windows中如何使Assetic + sass与Symfony2一起使用?

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我试图让Assetic在Symfony 2.0.11中运行,以便将sass用于css文件。


我试图将github上的assetic和asseticBundle更新到最新的Master版本,但是那些需要Symfony 2.1,这带来了很多变化并且不向后兼容(更不用说它也没有正式发布),所以这不是一个选择。

这篇关于Windows的symfony2 assetics yui压缩程序(路径语法)提供了一些很好的信息,但是不幸的是,它建议对资产库进行的更改不足以使其在我的环境中正常工作。


最后,我所知道的是,我需要更改vendor / assetic / src / Assetic / Util / ProcessBuilder.php,可能需要更改软件包中的其他文件,并可能需要在config.yml文件中添加一些信息(似乎添加了java或sass的路径可能会有帮助)。





1 / php5.3.8可能存在proc_open和数据大于2048字节(根据的 问题),当从git存储库获取symfony时,此问题可能会产生影响(https: //。发出“ git config --global core.autocrlf输入”并从git中重新获取所有内容,使我可以使用php5.3.10而不会崩溃。

2/ looks like a decent basis. I've maded some minor modifications on the paths in Process.php (cf ) but I'm not really sure that is relevant. Anyhow, the command line I get from Assetic at this point works in a shell and outputs the expected css.

3/ sass.bat (located in Ruby193\bin) needs to have absolute path to ruby.exe in order to go a bit further (I learnt that the hard way, you only see the error message if you var_dump and kill the script at the right place!)

Now, things seem a bit better, but still not working with sass (I think it'd work fine with some other filters) I managed to isolate the issue in Process.php (around line 172) at "$data = fread($pipe, 8192);" : The second time the script passes at this place, with $pipe pointing to the second resource, it never returns... and php gets stuck and has really hard times coming out (I need to kill/restart wamp at least two times to be able to make another test)

I'm really not familiar with proc_open and streams, and I have difficulties understanding what the code is trying to do in there...

I hope this can help the next one trying to have things work, and eventually help my case too. Still looking for some support on the matter!


Further testing made me realize that I could have "php app/console assetic:dump" work when the sass file was small enough. It seems to me that the actual css rules (excluding variable definitions and mixins) need to me smaller than 4096 bytes with php5.3.10, even less with php 5.3.8. That is pointing to the proc_open bug described in and


I tried to install php5.4 to check if it was fixing the issue. It took me some time to realize the reason this version was not working on my computer is because there is no x64 build yet. I then installed the 32bits version of wamp, and got php5.4 working with it easily. End result : proc_open still hangs :( I'm beginning to be out of ideas here...


So, eventually I got this to work, and thought I'd try to sum the most important steps up for later viewers :

1. Have Ruby 1.9.3 and compass 0.12 installed


Update compass to 0.12 with

"gem update --system"

and then

"gem install compass"

2. Alter compiler.rb in compass

Go to Ruby193\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\compass-0.12.0\lib\compass in line 10, replace

self.from, = File.expand_path(from), to


self.from, = from.gsub('./', ''), to

/!\ with some setup, it may be the other way around, but with the setup I'm trying to describe, it goes this way.

3. point Assetic to the latest version that works with symfony 2.0.11

edit the deps file like such :


/!\ you'll need to remove the references to a specific version in the deps.lock file too !

and issue a "php bin/vendors install".

4. Change your config.yml

here's what mine looks like now :

# Assetic Configuration
    debug:          %kernel.debug%
    use_controller: false
    # java: /usr/bin/java
            bin: e:\outils\Ruby193\bin\compass.bat

5. Use absolute path in compass.bat/sass.bat

Go to your Ruby193\bin directory and edit compass.bat to set an absolute path to ruby.exe (do the same with sass.bat while you're at it)

6. Change the call in template

Here's what mine looks like now :

{ % stylesheets filter='compass' output='css/*.css'
        <link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    { % endstylesheets %}

Testing :

For testing, you can use

php app/console assetic:dump --verbose --no-debug

That way if you get into an endless loop as I did, you can just ctrl+C, which makes testing way more efficient than in a browser

/!\ You absolutely need to use --no-debug, or you'll end up with a bunch of unwanted lines in your css that look like :

@media -sass-debug-info{filename{font-family:file\:\/\/C\:\/Users\/Mattso\/AppData\/Local\/Temp\/ass9DBF\.tmp\.scss}line{font-family:\0000359}}

You can use


in the run method of


to show you the current command line, and test it.

Mine currently looks like this :

cmd /V:ON /E:ON /C ""e:\outils\Ruby193\bin\compass.bat" "compile" "C:\Users\Mattso\AppData\Local\Temp" "--config" "C:\Users\Mattso\AppData\Local\Temp\ass59BB.tmp" "--sass-dir" "" "--css-dir" "" "C:\Users\Mattso\AppData\Local\Temp\ass59BC.tmp.scss""

Then you just need to type "php app/console assetic:dump --no-debug" in your cli to create the css files in web\css and refresh your site's page. Et... voila! (hopefully!)



第3448篇《Windows中如何使Assetic + sass与Symfony2一起使用?》来自Winter(的站点



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