





    #over {
      width: 600px;
      z-index: 10;
    #under {
      position: fixed;
      top: 5px;
      width: 420px;
      left: 20px;
      border: 1px solid;
      height: 10%;
      background: #fff;
      z-index: 1;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
          <div id="over">
             Hello Hello HelloHelloHelloHelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
          <div id="under">


我可以通过position:absolute 在static元素上使用来解决此问题 ,但是有人可以告诉我为什么会这样吗?



Mandy 2020.03.19

我正在构建导航菜单。overflow: hidden在导航的CSS中隐藏了所有内容。我以为这是z-index问题,但实际上我将所有内容都隐藏在导航之外。

阳光小小 2020.03.19

CSS Spec中定义的固定元素(和绝对元素)的行为:


这使zindex的计算有点复杂,我通过在body元素中动态创建一个容器并移动所有这些元素(在该body-level元素内被归类为“ my-fixed-ones”)解决了我的问题(同样的情况) )

神无L 2020.03.19



十三凯 2020.03.19


发生这种情况是因为在z-indexposition: static;,该属性被忽略,而属性恰好是默认值。因此在您编写的CSS代码中,无论您在中设置了多高z-index1针对这两个元素#over

通过给出#under负值,它将位于任何z-index: 1;元素之后,即#over

达蒙梅 2020.03.19



编辑 这是一个不完整的答案。该答案提供了错误的信息。请在下面查看@Dansingerman的评论和示例。

乐猴子樱 2020.03.19




Davaid梅 2020.03.19

添加position: relative;到#over

    #over {
      width: 600px;
      z-index: 10;
      position: relative;    
    #under {
      position: fixed;
      top: 5px;
      width: 420px;
      left: 20px;
      border: 1px solid;
      height: 10%;
      background: #fff;
      z-index: 1;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<div id="over">
    		Hello Hello HelloHelloHelloHelloHello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
    	<div id="under"></div>


小卤蛋A 2020.03.19

This question can be solved in a number of ways, but really, knowing the stacking rules allows you to find the best answer that works for you.


The <html> element is your only stacking context, so just follow the stacking rules inside a stacking context and you will see that elements are stacked in this order

  1. The stacking context’s root element (the <html> element in this case)
  2. Positioned elements (and their children) with negative z-index values (higher values are stacked in front of lower values; elements with the same value are stacked according to appearance in the HTML)
  3. Non-positioned elements (ordered by appearance in the HTML)
  4. Positioned elements (and their children) with a z-index value of auto (ordered by appearance in the HTML)
  5. Positioned elements (and their children) with positive z-index values (higher values are stacked in front of lower values; elements with the same value are stacked according to appearance in the HTML)

So you can

  1. set a z-index of -1, for #under positioned -ve z-index appear behind non-positioned #over element
  2. set the position of #over to relative so that rule 5 applies to it

The Real Problem

Developers should know the following before trying to change the stacking order of elements.

  1. When a stacking context is formed
    • By default, the <html> element is the root element and is the first stacking context
  2. Stacking order within a stacking context

The Stacking order and stacking context rules below are from this link

When a stacking context is formed

  • When an element is the root element of a document (the <html> element)
  • When an element has a position value other than static and a z-index value other than auto
  • When an element has an opacity value less than 1
  • Several newer CSS properties also create stacking contexts. These include: transforms, filters, css-regions, paged media, and possibly others. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Positioning/Understanding_z_index/The_stacking_context
  • As a general rule, it seems that if a CSS property requires rendering in an offscreen context, it must create a new stacking context.

Stacking Order within a Stacking Context

The order of elements:

  1. The stacking context’s root element (the <html> element is the only stacking context by default, but any element can be a root element for a stacking context, see rules above)
    • You cannot put a child element behind a root stacking context element
  2. z索引值为负的定位元素(及其子元素)(较高的值堆叠在较低的值前面;具有相同值的元素根据HTML中的外观堆叠)
  3. 未定位的元素(按HTML中的外观排序)
  4. 定位元素(及其子元素)的z-index值为auto(按HTML中的外观排序)
  5. 具有正z-index值的定位元素(及其子元素)(较高的值堆叠在较低的值前面;具有相同值的元素根据HTML中的外观堆叠)


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