
 vs 用于内联代码和块代码片段</p>
html HTML





似乎我不能同时使用<code>这两种方法,因为如果将CSS块属性(带有display: block;放在上面,它将破坏内联代码段。




第3165篇《 vs

 vs 用于内联代码和块代码片段》来自Winter(https://github.com/aiyld/aiyld.github.io)的站点</p>
阿飞Harry小胖 2020.03.24



JinJin飞云 2020.03.24


人们通过Google找到此代码并寻找更好的方法来管理其代码片段的显示时,还应考虑<textarea>对宽度/高度,滚动等进行很多控制。注意到@vsync提到了已弃用的标记<xmp>,我发现它<textarea readonly>是一个很好的替代品用于显示HTML,而无需转义其中的任何内容(</textarea>可能出现在其中的位置除外)。

例如,要显示具有受控制的换行符的单行,请考虑<textarea rows=1 cols=100 readonly> html或其他带有制表符和CrLf的字符 </textarea>

<textarea rows=5 cols=100 readonly>Example text with Newlines,
tabs & space,
  html tags etc <b>displayed</b>.
    However, note that &amp; still acts as an escape char..
      Eg: &lt;u&gt;(text)&lt;/u&gt;


<h2>Compared: TEXTAREA, XMP, PRE, SAMP, CODE</h2>
<p>Note that CSS can be used to override default fixed space fonts in each or all these.</p>
<textarea rows=5 cols=100 readonly>TEXTAREA: Example text with Newlines,
tabs & space,
  html tags etc <b>displayed natively</b>.
    However, note that &amp; still acts as an escape char..
      Eg: &lt;u&gt;(text)&lt;/u&gt;</textarea>

<xmp>XMP: Example text with Newlines,
tabs & space,
  html tags etc <b>displayed natively</b>.
    However, note that &amp; (&) will not act as an escape char..
      Eg: &lt;u&gt;(text)&lt;/u&gt;

<pre>PRE: Example text with Newlines,
tabs & space,
  html tags etc <b>are interpreted, not displayed</b>.
    However, note that &amp; still acts as an escape char..
      Eg: &lt;u&gt;(text)&lt;/u&gt;

<samp>SAMP: Example text with Newlines,
tabs & space,
  html tags etc <b>are interpreted, not displayed</b>.
    However, note that &amp; still acts as an escape char..
      Eg: &lt;u&gt;(text)&lt;/u&gt;

<code>CODE: Example text with Newlines,
tabs & space,
  html tags etc <b>are interpreted, not displayed</b>.
    However, note that &amp; still acts as an escape char..
      Eg: &lt;u&gt;(text)&lt;/u&gt;

小卤蛋 2020.03.24




<code style=display:block;white-space:pre-wrap>...</code>

或者,<codenza>为中断衬砌块定义标签<code> (无类)

  codenza, code {}     /*  noop mnemonic aide that codenza mimes code tag  */
  codenza {display:block;white-space:pre-wrap}

测试:(注意:以下是利用data:URI协议/方案的脚本,因此%0Anl格式代码对于保留此类内容至关重要,例如在将其剪切并粘贴到URL栏中进行测试时-因此view-source:ctrl- U)看起来不错,在下面的每一行之前都有%0A

data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html >
  codenza, code {}     /*  noop mnemonic aide that codenza mimes code tag  */
  codenza {display:block;white-space:pre-wrap}
<p>First using the usual &lt;code> tag
  %0A     function x(arghhh){ 
  %0A          return "a very long line of text that will extend the code beyond the boundaries of the margins, guaranteed for the most part, well maybe without you as a warrantee (except in abnormally conditioned perverse environs in which case a warranty is useless)"
  %0A     }
and then 
<p>with the tag blocked using pre-wrapped lines
<code style=display:block;white-space:pre-wrap> 
  %0A     function x(arghhh){ 
  %0A          return "a very long line of text that will extend the code beyond the boundaries of the margins, guaranteed for the most part, well maybe without you as a warrantee (except in abnormally conditioned perverse environs in which case a warranty is useless)"
  %0A     }
<br>using an ersatz tag
  %0A     function x(arghhh){ 
  %0A          return "a very long line of text that will extend the code beyond the boundaries of the margins, guaranteed for the most part, well maybe without you as a warrantee (except in abnormally conditioned perverse environs in which case a warranty is useless)"
 %0A     }
十三逆天 2020.03.24


<code class="inlinecode"></code>


<code class="codeblock"></code>


小卤蛋樱 2020.03.24



HTML5 agrees with this in “the pre element”:

The pre element represents a block of preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic conventions rather than by elements.

Some examples of cases where the pre element could be used:

  • Including fragments of computer code, with structure indicated according to the conventions of that language.


To represent a block of computer code, the pre element can be used with a code element; to represent a block of computer output the pre element can be used with a samp element. Similarly, the kbd element can be used within a pre element to indicate text that the user is to enter.

In the following snippet, a sample of computer code is presented.

<p>This is the <code>Panel</code> constructor:</p>
<pre><code>function Panel(element, canClose, closeHandler) {
  this.element = element;
  this.canClose = canClose;
  this.closeHandler = function () { if (closeHandler) closeHandler() };


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